St Kitts Hampshire Vets Website Design updates

Thursday, March 12, 2015

St Kitts Hampshire Vets Website Design updates

We've been working with the Hampshire based veterinary group St Kitts; updating the St Kitts website to assist with their client registration and social interaction!

We've been updating the St Kitts web based client registration form; adding a new CAPTCHA feature to the St Kitts website to make sure that any new registration is from a pet owner rather than an annoying automated internet bot.

We've also updated the contact forms on the St Kitts website to include nicely formatted auto responders; meaning each new enquiry is quickly followed up by a response from St Kitts that includes further details about St Kitts and links to the St Kitts social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Google+).

Click below to find out more about our website design and web development services!